Send reminder or follow-up back in stock notifications for an alert registration
Notify the customer with a second alert a few days after they receive their first alert
Last Update 2 years ago
Sometimes, your customers may miss the back in stock notification for a product restock, and it'd be advantageous to your sales to send a follow up notification to engage them and convert it into a purchase.
Restock Rocket allows you to do just that with the Reminder Notifications feature. To enable it, head to Settings in the left menu bar. Then scroll down until you find the "Reminder notifications" section. Here, enable the toggle and then specify the number of days Restock Rocket must wait until a second notification should be sent.
Example: A customer registers for a back in stock alert to Product A. They receive their first notification on Jan 1. If Reminder notifications is enabled, and the number of days is set to 5, they will receive a second notification for the same product on Jan 6 if they haven't placed an order yet.